Tuesday, February 1, 2011


The character trait in February is resourcefulness.
re·source[ r sàwrss ]NOUN
re·sour·ces plural

1. source of help: somebody or something that is a source of help or information
2. backup supply: a reserve supply of something such as money, personnel, or equipment
3. ability to find solutions: adeptness at finding solutions to problems
4. ecology
Same as natural resource
1. talent drawn on when necessary: an inner ability or capacity that is drawn on in time of need, or such abilities considered collectively
2. nation's natural, economic, or military assets: the natural, economic, political, or military assets enjoyed by a nation, e.g. mineral wealth, labor, capital, or military personnel
3. commerce corporate assets: any or all of the sources drawn on by a company for making profit, e.g. personnel, capital, machinery, or stock

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